Welcome to Read Maxwell Speaker Bureau, a curated selection of distinguished speakers who delve into today's most pressing topics. Our speakers share their first-hand experiences and knowledge to enrich, empower, and entertain audiences. We are affiliated with Newson Wallwork Media Limited, which offers top speakers from their literary agency.

Kelly Vero Leading female game developer
Neil Laughton Entrepreneur and Adventurer
Alvin Wang Graylin Leading Global Voice in AI
Nick Wallis Investigative journalist
Sir Dermot Turing Code Breaking Expert and Nephew of Alan Turing
Anita Mendiratta Author and Leadership Consultant
Neil Humphreys Best-selling author
Mihir Bose Broadcaster
Dean Ho Director of The Institute for Digital Medicine
Samuel & Josh Fragrance experts and entrepreneurs
Ash Alexander-Cooper OBE Former specialist unit commander in British Armed forces and expert on leadership and resilience
Heather Hansen Accent Bias and Linguistic Inclusion
Kevin O’Leary Former head of undercover operations, Scotland Yard
Shaun Rein Leading voice on China’s economy and consumer trends
Sandra Mikhail Dietitian and founder of Nutrition A-Z
Henry Englehardt CEO and Speaker
Raya White Transformational Coach, Spatial Computing Leader
Adam Alexander The Seed Detective and Plant Guardian
Ru Callender An Alternative Undertaker
Denise Baden Professor of Sustainable practice

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