Cookie Policy

1. Interpretation

1.1 In this Cookie Policy (the “Policy”):

  • “Us” means READ Maxwell.
  • “Website” means the website operated by Us located.
  • “You” refers to any user of the Website.

1.2 Words such as “We”, “Our” and “Your” shall be construed as referring to the relevant person in accordance with this clause.

2. Cookies

2.1 The Website uses cookies to distinguish You from other users. This helps to provide a good experience when You browse the Website and also allows Us to improve it.

2.2 By continuing to browse the Website, You are agreeing to the use of cookies in accordance with this Policy.

2.3 A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that We store on Your browser or the hard drive of Your computer (if You agree). Cookies contain information that is transferred to Your computer's hard drive.

2.4 On Our Website, We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary (first-party) cookies: These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Website. They include, for example, cookies that enable You to log into secure areas of the Website, use a shopping cart, or make use of e-billing services.
  • Functionality (first-party) cookies: These are used to recognise You when You return to the Website. This enables Us to personalise Our content for You, greet You by name, and remember Your preferences (for example, Your choice of language or region).
  • Analytical/performance (third-party) cookies: They allow Us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the Website when they are using it. This helps Us to improve the way the Website works.

2.5 More information about the individual third-party cookies We use, and the purposes for which We use them, are as follows:

Third-Party Cookies

The following cookies allow Us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the Website when they are using it. This helps Us to improve the way the Website works.

Google Analytics

  • Purpose: To allow us to better understand the kind of people who visit the website and what content they’re reading. This allows Us to make better decisions about content and offers. Occasionally, We will compile aggregate statistics about the number of visitors this site receives, and browsers being used. No personally identifying data is included in this type of reporting.
  • Cookie Names and Expiration Times:
    • _ga: 2 years. Used to distinguish users.
    • _gid: 24 hours. Used to distinguish users.
    • _gat: 1 minute. Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_<property-id>.


  • Purpose: We use Hotjar in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimise this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.) and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices. This includes a device's IP address (processed during Your session and stored in a de-identified form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), and the preferred language used to display our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile. Hotjar is contractually forbidden to sell any of the data collected on our behalf.
  • Cookie Names and Descriptions:
    • _hjClosedSurveyInvites: Set once a visitor interacts with a Survey invitation modal popup. Ensures that the same invite does not re-appear if it has already been shown. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjDonePolls: Set once a visitor completes a poll using the Feedback Poll widget. Ensures that the same poll does not re-appear if it has already been filled in. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjMinimizedPolls: Set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. Ensures that the widget stays minimized when the visitor navigates through Your site. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjDoneTestersWidgets: Set once a visitor submits their information in the Recruit User Testers widget. Ensures that the same form does not re-appear if it has already been filled in. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjIncludedInSample: Session cookie set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjShownFeedbackMessage: Set when a visitor minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback. Ensures that the Incoming Feedback will load as minimized immediately if they navigate to another page where it is set to show. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjid: Set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. Used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. Ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. Duration: 365 days.
    • _hjRecordingLastActivity: Found in sessionStorage (as opposed to cookies). Updated when a visitor recording starts and when data is sent through the WebSocket (the visitor performs an action that Hotjar records). Duration: Session.
    • hjTLDTest: When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed. Duration: Session.
    • _hjUserAttributesHash: User Attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API are cached for the duration of the session to know when an attribute has changed and needs to be updated. Duration: Session.
    • _hjCachedUserAttributes: Stores User Attributes which are sent through the Hotjar Identify API, whenever the user is not in the sample. These attributes will only be saved if the user interacts with a Hotjar Feedback tool. Duration: Session.
    • _hjLocalStorageTest: Used to check if the Hotjar Tracking Script can use local storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set in this cookie. The data stored in _hjLocalStorageTest has no expiration time, but it is deleted immediately after creating it so the expected storage time is under 100ms. Duration: N/A.

WP Cerber Security & Antispam

  • Cookie Names:
    • cerber_groove
    • cerber_groove_x_
  • Purpose: To protect the website from hackers, cyber criminals, spammers and bots. These cookies do not store any personal identifiers.

2.6 Please note that third parties (including, for example, providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which We have no control. These cookies (likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies) should operate subject to the relevant third party’s cookie policy.

2.7 You can block cookies by activating the setting on Your browser that allows You to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if You use Your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) You may not be able to access all or parts of the Website.

2.8 Except for essential cookies, all cookies will expire after 7 days.