Dean Ho

a pioneering leader in biomedical engineering and digital medicine

Prof. Dean Ho

Provost’s Chair Professor, Director of The N.1 Institute for Health, Director of The Institute for Digital Medicine (WisDM) and Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the National University of Singapore

Prof Ho and collaborators successfully developed and validated CURATE.AI, a powerful artificial intelligence technology platform that has optimised human treatment for a broad range of diseases. He co-led the first clinical trials that have resulted in completely halted disease progression and durable patient responses that far outperformed standard of care approaches.

Prof Ho is an elected member of the US National Academy of Inventors. He has appeared on the National Geographic Channel Program “Known Universe,” and his discoveries have been featured on CNN, The Economist, Forbes, Washington Post, NPR and other international news outlets. Prof Ho is currently a Subgroup Lead in the World Health Organisation AI for Health Working Group for Regulatory Considerations. He has also served as the President of the Board of Directors of the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS), a 26,000+ member global drug development organisation comprised of senior executives from the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors.Speaking topics:

1) Stories Over Snapshots: This talk would highlight how we evolve over time. How we optimise our health, and how we treat patients, should evolve too. I’d share my personal journey in fasting, fitness and food and how my own biomarkers changed, and provide actionable findings for a lay audience. I’ve given this lecture for diverse groups, from large tech firms to banks. Audience sizes in the 500s++.

2) Technology Alone Cannot Change Healthcare (or any field): How to build unique organisations that achieve unprecedented outcomes. This talk would highlight how we have redefined the scale of impact that can be achieved when we bridge engineers with clinicians, behavioural/implementation scientists, insurance experts, and the users themselves to launch over 12 first-in-kind trials with life-saving outcomes. I have given this type of lecture for multiple companies in the healthcare space. Typically in the form of executive education.

3) Gamifying Healthy Habits and Resilience: This would be a bit more personal, discussing our family’s lived experience in supporting my wife’s profound health challenges. These experiences have given rise to my own health optimisation journey, related to 1, but also discusses how to overcome adversity through 1. I’ve given a similar talk to a large audience (6000+) from the insurance industry.

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